Monday, August 31

Hundred word stories - Library

It's a very bad way to store books, unless you're a fugitive and you need to put them where nobody is going to look. A ruined library lost in the jungle like a storyline pulled from one of its own dead volumes, is a perfect place to keep a secret collection. Mine already filled most of the south side.
"If you get desperate enough you'll hide things anywhere," I said to no one, scraping piles of moldy pulp from a shelf into a trash bag. I wiped the shelf clean with a bleached cloth before assembling the new tenants from the box I'd carried in.
Gold's Hymns. Give or Take: The true story of Riban Hooland. Gifford Guide to seventeenth century classical music, unabridged.
I took that one back off the shelf and opened it.
He'd loved this kind of music.

Friday, August 28

Hundred word stories - Garden

It's just an exercise that means, well, nothing. The rules go: Choose a picture (I find the ones posted by papertissue on Tumblr quite useful). In no less than 100 words, no more than 150, write the first story that comes to mind about it. Here's number one:

The door was open, so I crouched and stepped through it. My foot touched a mess of somethings cool and prickly. I looked down, at the same time lifting my foot back up. Flowers. Their tiny indigo heads poked up from the green ground, bright and brave in the shadows. Beyond the mess of trunks and evergreen needles directly in front of me, smudges of brighter green promised the existence of a lawn or hill.
I moved carefully, stepping only on the bare spots, meshes of leaves and brown stems that crackled as they gave way. Then I remembered that I used to be wearing shoes. A warm, brassy thread of sunlight meandered over my right leg.
I looked up.